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Monday 26 February 2018

Happy Little Stamping again

It's been forever and a day since I posted on my poor lonely blog... insomnia last night and a lil email reminder and  happy lil stamper again ;)

 I'm entering their feb CAS challenge which must include a heart.  Thanks happy lil stampers for tempting me back

A rusty but sparkly, patched but whole heart is my design idea... and the lil heart that's missing is all gold after lots of heat embossing but hiding inside with my smooshy words for my fella ;)

The fibro was winning for a while, even taking a job I loved from me. Well tbh it was the fibro getting together with a few mean and ignorant  colleagues and one managers inability to stand up for a disabled member of staff or read policy.  I fought  for a long time to keep my job...there were some wonderful women too
 I tried to keep at bay the depression and anxiety caused by trying to work with fibro...and I lost. This paragraph sounds bitter I've nearly deleted it...but I'm not bitter now, just frustrated that the people living with fibro are thought to be weak...even malingering...when we are so strong to keep getting up and going...even if  on the worst of days that get up and going takes all our spoons for a wash, change of PJs ;)
I decided to leave the paragraph in because I know I'm not the only one getting down with a chronic illness...I think it's ok for us to have a lil moan ;) and if you need one yourself let's chat :)

Moving along... before i bottle it and keep my poor blog bottled up is often the way even while life is taking...It's giving too. I have wonderfully supportive family and friends...all you talented crafty folks to keep inspiring me and filling my eyes n soul with colour,hope your own strength and inky sparkly joy.  And a truly supportive fella for who accepts me and my slightly broken self, makes me laugh everyday and reminds me to love even the thorns...brcause the roses beauty is worth them.

Take care


Thanks for taking a peep, feel free to leave a comment, suggestion or question. It's great to share crafting and essential to band together as Fibro Fighters.